
måndag 3 februari 2014


Summary week 5


This story is about a girl which I don’t know the name of and a boy called Gift Mlungu. In the beginning of the story she’s standing at a turn-off with him and they’re waiting for the bus to his village. She thinks that he has invited her to his home as if they were dating or something like that. When they arrive to his house she can’t spend very much time with him because it’s really crowded everywhere. She wants to be alone with him because that’s what she thinks he brought her there for, but his family is always around. And when they’re about to sleep she can’t even sleep in the same room as he does. She sleeps in the same room as his sisters. One day he shows her around in the village and they go to an Indian shop. He says that he wants to introduce her to someone and he presents her as "their english guest" to the person sitting in the room. She wonders why he doesn't call her his girlfriend. When her eyes get used to the dark she can see that there's an older woman and a younger woman sitting in there. The main person in this story thinks that the younger woman is very beautiful and then Gift says who she is. "This is Sunni, my future bride", he says and she doesn't understand at first. Slowly she realizes what she heard and meanwhile she’s there, she begins to get used to the fact that it will never be her and Gift. 

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